Pakistani celebrities are getting married and starting a new chapter of their life. Yasir Iqra and Sadia Hassan got married in the past two months. Beautiful pictures, dance videos, elegant dresses, and a lot of fun has been seen on social media.
But people are waiting anxiously to hear Ahad and Sajal’s wedding bells. The two got engaged last year and ever since became the talk of the town. There were many rumors about their wedding. Some said they will marry in Turkey while others posted a cake with ”Ahad Sajal’s Dholki” on it.
Ahad and Sajal are busy with their wedding preparation, invitations, and shopping. While they are busy with wedding stuff, Ahad’s Khala Saba Ali arranged a dholki event all the way in California. She invited her friends to be a part of her happiness. She posted pictures on her Instagram account to show her love and excitement for the wedding.
Specially designed dholki cake with other sweet dishes was set beautifully on the table. Khala and all her friends looked gorgeous and happy. Let’s wait for the real dholki night.