Now a days, we know that CoronaVirus has caused havoc in the whole world. Due to its spread and growing cases, every city of Pakistan being locked down. Public being advised to observe all precautionary measures to keep them protected and safe. Social distancing and all type gatherings are strictly prohibited by the government. Everyone is wearing a mask and keeping a hand-sanitizer with themselves all the time.
Now 23rd March is celebrated as Pakistan Day nationwide but this time situation is very different due to corona virus. Patriotic people across the country expressing their love and feelings for Pakistan. Among them are our showbiz celebrities as well.

Celebrities are expressing their commitment to withhold Pakistan flag high and at the same time asking people to stay in isolation for some days to prevent the virus. Therefore, today many people uploaded their videos while singing the National Anthem and showing patriotism on social media.
Komal Rizvi, a famous Pakistani actress, got emotional while singing the national anthem. She requested all her fans and viewers to sing the anthem with her and show some love toward our beautiful homeland, Pakistan. She cried throughout the video and couldn’t stop her tears. Stay at home everyone and pray. Social distancing and isolation will save the lives of many people.
What do you all think of Komal Rizvi? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.